
6th - 12th GRADE

The youth ministry exists to seek the renewal of all things in Jesus Christ. That includes making disciples of the covenant youth and their friends, as well as reaching the lost world for Christ.

Wednesday Nights

During the school year, we meet on Wednesday Night at the UNF University Center. We play games, enjoy worship together and rotate weekly between large group teaching and small group time. Small group weeks, we host "Tour of the TownCenter". These weeks head to the St. Johns TownCenter after youth and eat 2nd dinner together.
When: Wednesday nights, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Where: UNF University Center
12000 Alumni Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224

Contact Us

Please follow @ccestudentministries on Instagram or contact Clifton Tippins for more information.

Summer with CCE Youth Ministry

Summer Youth

Every summer, we take a break from the regular rhythm of large groups/small groups weekly meetings. Throughout the summer we hold a more flexible schedule that includes day trips, summer youth and bible studies with the youth interns.

Ridge Haven Camp

Every year, our youth group attends camp at Ridge Haven in beautiful Brevard, North Carolina. While at camp, we enjoy fellowship with one another and learn to walk deeper in our faith through talks, cabin time, and personal devotion. We also get to put our faith into action by spending a few hours a day in service work at the camp. Ridge Haven offers numerous fun activities for campers to appreciate including hiking, the lake, and numerous games. We would love to have your son or daughter join us this summer! Contact Clifton with any questions.

Youth Internships

Are you passionate about investing in the future generation of church leaders? Christ Church East is seeking college students and recent college graduates who are interested in pursuing vocational youth ministry to consider our Summer Youth Ministry Internship. For more information, contact Clifton or apply here.