To seek the renewal of all things in Jesus Christ, by cultivating a Gospel-centered community that multiplies churches and develops partnerships in Jacksonville and around the world.



We aren’t into scorekeeping, earning points, or balancing the books with God. Grace liberates by putting us into right relationship with God because of what Jesus has done for us, not what we do for him. Our security lies in the status God gives us in his Son, not a status we gain through our performance.
God loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us that way. Grace not only puts us into right relationship with God, but also frees us from sin’s control, giving us real hope for real change. Alive in Christ, the Spirit doesn’t settle for cosmetic change, but renews us inside and out.

Everybody worships something, seeking to satisfy the deepest longings of the heart. Unfortunately, the things we serve, like money, relationships or appearance don’t deliver. In Christ, God captures our wayward hearts and satisfies them in Himself. We gather each week to redirect our desires as we commune with God together.


God made us not only for himself, but also for each other. We accept one another ignoring common boundaries like race, age or class because God has accepted us in Christ. Within this community Jesus turns selfish, isolated individuals into a family that seeks to love one another, share life together, and embody God’s Kingdom.
God loves our city. Given this, we move towards our neighbor in sacrificial love, denying the fear, arrogance and indifference that keep us at a safe distance. We seek to proclaim his love in word and deed by caring for the vulnerable, serving others in our vocations and planting neighborhood churches for the renewal of our city and world.

The church is not a passive crowd of consumers, but an active body of servants. We seek to equip our members, uniquely gifted by God, to serve in our church, at home, and in our workplaces. By equipping God’s servants we multiply the gospel’s impact in Jacksonville and around the world.

We cannot do this alone. Our commitment to the renewal of all things requires strategic partnerships that extends our reach into the world’s many broken places. We labor alongside others in joyful expectation of the coming King.