Equipped to Connect: God's Design for Healthy Relationships

September 20 -22, 2024

The relational life of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is beautiful, but our relationships often lack this unity, delight, and depth. Instead, we face hurt, betrayal, misunderstanding, and distrust. Friendships disintegrate, marriages fall apart, and families fracture. We often accept this dysfunction because fixing it seems too difficult.
However, there is hope. Jesus came to reconcile all things, including our broken relationships (Col. 1:20). Experience this hope at the Equipped to Connect Conference at Christ Church East on September 20-22, 2024, where Dr. Jim Coffield will explore God's design for healthy relationships.


Dr. Jim Coffield

Dr. Jim Coffield came to Christ Covenant Church in Knoxville, TN from RTS Orlando in 2017. Jim was a professor at RTS Orlando for twenty years and served as the Clinical Director of the RTS counseling program. He is currently the director of Compass Counseling a counseling center that partners with Christ Covenant Church.

Jim works with Leader's Collective to mentor, train and counsel pastors and church planters.   His background includes working within the church as a youth pastor and counselor, and in educational settings as a teacher and basketball coach. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in counseling psychology and is a licensed psychologist. Dr. Coffield brings a wide variety of teaching and clinical experience. His clinical experience includes counseling in private practice, college, church-based, and hospital settings. His teaching reflects his love of story and humor. His research and clinical interests include adoption, special needs children, narrative psychology, and counselor training. He is married to Mona, and they have two sons and one daughter, Skylar, Pearce, and Kim.


Adults (14+)


Children (5-13)


Children (birth to 4):



Friday Evening

Registration opens: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Session 1: 7:00 pm-8:00 pm

Saturday Morning

Light Refreshments: 9:00am
Session 2: 9:30-10:30 am
Break: 10:30-10:45 am
Session3: 10:45-11:45am

Sunday Morning

Worship Service/Session 4: 10:30 am - Noon


Christ Church East

12000 Alumni Drive
Jacksonville, FL

For more Information about the conference: